PuffinDAO Version 1.0
An exposition of the utility and utility of the community’s voice.
In any community it is important to be informed. Understanding our role within the community solidifies and unifies our one powerful Poppin Puffin voice. The following article outlines goals and expectations in communication within the community and within the DAO. This is Version 1.0 of the DAO.
Frequently there will be discussions and votes within the community regarding DAO or community feedback. Poppin Puffins works hard to involve every voice in decisions. This way we can uniquely grow and learn from the decisions being made and more thoughtfully engage as community.
On future proposals and votes there will be either named with a DAO designation or COMM. The separation of the two for clarity will help us to more understandably engage in the purpose and intent of the proposal vote being offered. Don’t worry if you don’t label them properly. Ambassadors and team will help to edit whether it is a COMM or DAO proposal. One would be a treasury business decision and the other would be a community development decision, generally speaking.

Poppin Puffins Leadership
On the whole the project lead and development is overseen by Poppin Puffins team. Poppin Puffins could be thought of as the media company producing a dedicated large portion of the value of the project and NFT collections. They are executive. Once issues are voted on it is often up to the lead team of Poppin Puffins to see things get done.
This distinction and autonomy should be born in mind while understanding the balance of DAO votes and Community Feedback votes that will occur. As a media team and company; future projects, utility, treasury allocation, and so on is still theirs to make final decisions on.

Community Voice
At Poppin Puffins the whole community voice is important. As a unique project on Terra we have extended a desire to help budding artists and web3 developers. Taking part in community at Poppin Puffins will propel you on your way to knowing what it takes to know what goes into NFT communities.
The one common thread between ALL NFT projects that do exceedingly well is strong Discord community. BAYC, among some of the prime examples, is no exception. Poppin Puffins is well on its way to dominate in the Terraverse as well as in crypto on the whole. Loyalty, voice, community are all very important. What we have encountered so far are some of the finest attitudes and people to work with.
Whether your skill is low and you are just beginning or your skill is stellar we want all community members to feel welcome and confident to engage. We all grow together and as colonies support, mingle, and enable each other’s development. We grow; Poppin Puffins grows.
Community Votes
Proposals on any issue may be presented through the DAO and designated either DAO or COMM. Any topics that are community related topics would be designated a COMM proposal and vote. This way we make a distinction between the two very clearly for voters and for discussions while a proposal is being formed.
The purpose of voting on any community related items is to inform the team of the sentiment regarding a topic. As the team leads and guides the community and project forward the community voice may be heard on issues or topics. COMM proposals and votes should be respectful and bear in mind that we are one colony. Proposals and votes will be openly entertained and may freely be submitted for community discussion moving to possible vote by ambassadors.
Once a vote on a COMM proposal reaches consensus it is then submitted to the team for consideration. It is then still the final decision of the team as to how it fits within the future vision and historical commitments. Trusting the team, their intent, and their care to involve as many voices as possible will well serve the purposes of these kinds of votes.
It isn’t always about getting it perfectly right the first time. As individuals we can actually do a lot of things wrong. But, if we have a proper attitude and positivity towards one another there are no heights we cannot reach. Everyone’s goal is for this to be one of the most stellar DAOs of crypto; let alone Terra blockchain. We have only just begun.
DAO Voice
Throughout crypto and Terra DAOs are popping up all over the place. They are a way for individuals to collaborate in a financially powerful way to further their holdings as a group. Holding the NFT typically makes you a member of the DAO.
Within the DAO portion of Poppin Puffins’ Discord community there is a place to submit proposals as well as a place to vote. The voice of interested persons in the financial wellbeing of our collective treasury is heard here. We pool our efforts, creativity, and follow through strengths to further the DAO; with typically the most active DAO members financially benefiting the most from the DAO.
DAO Votes
Voting within the DAO helps to direct the allocation of funds from the treasury to wise investment activities on behalf of the treasury.
For this reason we need to be mindful and thoughtful regarding the responsibility of the DAO and proposals and voting within the DAO. You may be the voice we need to not fall flat on our faces collectively on some financial decision.
The purpose of DAO votes are to determine together where we want our Treasury working for us. This is the closest way we participate in partnership with the Poppin Puffins team. The future is bright and the risk is in all of our hands together. We have been handed great power; with it great responsibility. Choose wisely and DYOR on behalf of the colonies.
by ZymaPro | Community Manager