Puffin Muffin Mafia DAO
The Puffin Untouchables. No one messes with the muffins!

It may come as some surprise to those who have not been here since the beginning of Poppin Puffins. Today the Puffin Muffin Mafia took power as a fledgling DAO within a DAO. Find out how you can join the mafia, how it works, currently, and the benefits of holding mafia role in the Discord (among other sicc things).
The Puffin Muffin Mafia was a role, delivered real life muffins/or digital muffin NFT, and a custom mafia NFT obtainable by owning/minting 50 puffins. The ideas and purpose were talked about in the beginning and I will mention them again now. The mafia NFTs were meant to eventually hold some power and extra governance within the community. They were never meant to simply be a token of being a Puffin whale but have real utility and privilege.
As the Puffin Muffin Mafia takes power today within the colonies — and forming their own internal governance fledgling DAO — some of the planned at mint utility is now slowly being realized (made real). The Puffin Muffin Mafia are coming into their own as initially intended. Future utility is yet to be announced.
It is intended that the mafia have one extra vote of say on issues or have their own votes on issues of Poppin Puffin governance. You will see PPMafia active in the whole colony and recognizable by their colour and associated role “@puffin muffin mafia.” They are typical colony members with (for lack of a better example) like a 2x of puffin DAO power and voice.
There are 26 mafia NFT holders presently. They can be seen on Talis.art. If you notice any fool selling and you can afford their offering; anyone would be a king of puffins buying their way into the family. AUK!!

Present Utility
The current PMMafia DAO is initially for mafia decisions that impact the mafia family directly. Examples of this are presently who can obtain a new never before minted signature mafia NFT. The family will decide who belongs. Decisions like this as well as future muffin governance will fall within the jurisdiction of the PMM.
For now the utility is simple… but make no mistake… sleeping on puffins will end up win a world of regrets. You’ve heard of the metaverse and the terraverse… I’d hate to wind up in the regrettaverse. AUK!
For the colonies!
How to obtain a Puffin Muffin Mafia NFT?
There are 2 ways to obtain a PMMafia NFT signature exclusive puffin. You can either get lucky buying into the family through a Talis.art listing or you can buy 50 puffins from RandomEarth to obtain the role and a PMMafia NFT custom made for you. FOR A LIMITED TIME.

After the mint closes officially for Poppin Eels (scheduled to start Feb 15th) custom exclusive mafia NFTs will be available to those who obtain 50 puffins, no questions asked. After the mint of Eels any decisions as to how many total mafia NFTs there will be total supply (kept very small) and who can be awarded a PMMafia NFT for outstanding efforts on behalf of the PMM will be up for discussion and vote within the mafia.
So the date to pay attention to if you want an easy in to the Puffin Muffin Mafia is February 15th. Buy 50 total puffins, lunar link verify in the Discord, and request your mafia exclusive custom NFT within the #puffin-mafia chats.
Function within the colonies?
The PMMafia are overseers and colony puffins with 2x influence; business as usual. PMM will be able to vote on mafia and puffin DAO topics with a little extra weight or exclusively voting on topics that concern only PMM.
This does not effect the core DAO. All decisions regarding royalties and funds from Poppin Puffins mint treasury are decided by the core DAO members. Mafia DAO is for the purpose of what they will govern within the interests of the colonies later and currently their own internal mafia family matters.
Any further questions feel free to ask in Poppin Puffin Discord.
by ZymaPro